lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Main Characters

Homero j. Simpson:
Homer Simpson is the bumbling husband of Marge and father of Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson. He is the son of Mona and Abraham Simpson. Homer has held over 188 different jobs in the first 400 episodes of The Simpsons. In most episodes, he works as the Nuclear Safety Inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, a position he has held since "Homer's Odyssey", the third episode of the series. At the plant, Homer is often ignored and completely forgotten by his boss Mr. Burns, and constantly falls asleep and neglects his duties. Matt Groening has stated that he decided to have Homer work at the power plant because of the potential for Homer to create havoc. Each of his other jobs has lasted only one episode. In the first half of the series, the writers developed an explanation about how he got fired from the plant and was then rehired in every episode. In later episodes, he often began a new job on impulse, without any mention of his regular employment.

3 comentarios:

  1. This program is a classic of classics, very good project

    leidy madrigal

  2. Thank's for your opinion about our project.
    It is an interesting project, we hope it to be funny for you

  3. Homer is a bad worker and leads a very disorganized life
    (Paola Betancur García)
